Should I Enjoy Hot Flushes In The Cold Weather And A Bit Of Decluttering?

I woke up Sunday morning to brilliant sunshine which is lovely at this time of year. I got a sudden urge to declutter and reorganise the garden sheds ready for spring. After all it won’t be long before the gardening season starts again.

I know that serious gardeners keep on top of it all year round, but to be honest I’m not much of a gardener. I definitely don’t have green fingers but I do like to keep the gardens neat and tidy. During the summer months I love having lots of big pots of colourful flowers dotted about everywhere. It really lifts my spirits.

So I put my wellies on and headed outdoors. I was soon back in the house again to get my gardening jacket and a bodywarmer. The wind was stronger and colder than it had looked through the window. In fact it was blowing a freezing gale.

Wrapped up against the elements (despite the lovely sunshine) I headed back out again.

I opened the door on the biggest shed. Oh my word! I couldn’t believe how much stuff I had accumulated in there. Where had it all come from? ‘Never mind’ I thought ‘I need to start somewhere’.

Messy Shed
This is not my before photo, mine was much worse but I forgot to get pictures.

I had to take everything out before I could even begin to sort through the stuff. And I still had the small shed and the garden trunk to do.

3 hours, 3 menopausal rages and a couple of hot flushes later, I was done. I stood back and admired my work with pride and also in the knowledge that I’m now prepared for Spring. Whenever it decides to arrive!

There was one thing that puzzled me though. How can I still have hot flushes, and nasty ones at that, when I’m out in freezing temperatures.? Surely this isn’t fair? I know I can’t control my hormones but it would be nice if they took into consideration how hard I’d been working and game me a break!

It just goes to show that a hot flush can strike at any time no matter what the outdoor (or indoor) temperature is like. Take a look at my article ‘Menopause And Hot Flushes’ for more information and some Tips and Tricks.

I also have a Facebook group where you can chat with other ladies going through the same changes in their life as you – it’s still quite small at the moment but feel free to come along, introduce yourself and join in.  
