

I’m Maggie. When I started to get menopausal symptoms that were beginning to make my everyday life unpleasant, even difficult at times, I decided to find out what was happening to me. I also wanted to find out if there were ways that I could treat or manage my menopause.

I’d never really thought about the menopause until I started getting menopausal symptoms a few years ago. As a younger woman I’d often heard older female colleagues and family say they were ‘having a moment’. Red in the face, reaching for the nearest thing to fan themselves with and trying to make light of it. I didn’t realise that ‘having a moment’ was just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended !).

When I started to have my own ‘moments’ I wasn’t prepared for the reality. Okay, so I knew that at some point in my life my periods would stop, I was likely to get hot flushes and occasionally wake up soaked in sweat. What I didn’t know was that I would experience a whole range of symptoms, not just physical but psychological too.  

I began to feel like my body was out of control and I needed to rein it in again. I can’t stop my menopause, it’s a natural process after all, but I am determined to make my journey a little smoother.

Although I’m not a doctor or health professional, I’m just a woman of a certain age going through this transition in her life, I’ve started researching useful information to help me understand exactly what’s happening to me. And also how best to manage my symptoms. There’s lots of good information out there but I’ve had to spend a lot of time finding it. I would like to share the things I’ve found out with you in the hope they will be useful and also save you time.

Every woman is unique and her experience will be unique to her but I hope the information I share with you will help to make your journey through the menopause smoother too.
