Maggie’s Favourite Products For Easing Hot Flushes & Night Sweats

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Hot flushes are probably the most common symptom of perimenopause and menopause. Around 70-80% of women will experience them while going through perimenopause, and lot of women continue to get hot flushes and night sweats even when they are in menopause itself.

Hot flushes and night sweats are often the butt of jokes and even us ladies will often try to make light of our hot moments, especially when we’re in public. But the reality isn’t funny at all.

All women are unique so the frequency and intensity of hot flushes and night sweats varies greatly. Either way they can be extremely uncomfortable and can interfere with your quality of life.

Although it’s not fully understood why women experience hot flushes and night sweats at this stage of their lives, it’s generally considered to be an effect of hormonal fluctuations on the body’s temperature control. The ups and downs of hormone levels confuse your body into thinking that you’re cold and your body responds by trying to warm you up

And boy does it warm you up!

So How Can You Reduce Your Hot Flushes And Ease Your Night Sweats?

There are a lot of natural remedies and supplements that can help with both hot flushes and night sweats. In fact there are so many it can be difficult to know where to start. I’ve put together my top 5 product recommendations that can be a great help.


Soya isoflavones contain a naturally occurring plant oestrogen that mimics a women’s own natural oestrogen. This helps to relieve some of the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, including hot flushes and night sweats, and is often used by women who suffer with regular uncomfortable hot moments. Taking a soya isoflavone supplement is an easy way to take isoflavone. Particularly if you don’t like the taste of soya food and drink products. It’s usually sold in capsule form.

Red clover is a flowering plant that (and this may seem strange) is classed as a legume, just like beans and lentils are. It contains isoflavones that occur naturally and mimic oestrogen (see soya isoflavones above) and is often sold as Red Clover Isoflavones. Red clover can usually be bought as tablets/capsules, tea and tincture.

Sage is a member of the mint family but has its own distinctive flavour. Although whether you like the flavour or not only matters if you choose to take sage leaf as a tea. Sage leaf is a traditional and popular remedy for reducing those hot moments. Apart from taking it as tea it also comes in a capsule form, which is good news if you don’t like the taste.

If you buy clary sage as an essential oil you will need to dilute it in a carrier oil as directed on the pack. Never apply pure essential oils directly to your skin unless otherwise stated on the instructions. Once diluted you rub the oil onto the back of your neck or onto your feet. You can also inhale it from a paper tissue or cotton bud. Clary sage oil has a cooling and calming effect and a pleasant fragrance. You can also buy it as a prediluted aromatherapy oil that can be applied directly to the skin (check the instructions though). It can be used in the same way as the clary sage essential oil above.

Also known as chasteberry is the fruit of the chaste tree. It generally grows in Mediterranean countries and also central Asia. Used for many centuries as a natural remedy and today is often used as a remedy for hot flushes and night sweats and other menopause symptoms. It can usually be bought as capsules, tincture and as an essential oil. If you choose the essential oil be sure to dilute and use it as per the instructions.

So my top tip for hot flushes and night sweats is SOYA ISOFLAVONES. I’ve found it to be a great help, but remember we are all different. Give it a go or try one of my other recommendations. Don’t worry if you have to try a few different things to find what works best for you. After all, we’re all different and easing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause can often be trial and error.  

Take a look at my articles ‘Menopause And Hot Flushes’ and ‘Menopause and Night Sweats‘ for more information and some Tips and Tricks.

My article ‘Aromatherapy/Essential Oils For Menopause Symptoms’ has some useful information about how to use the oils and also some of the oils that help to ease symptoms.

PRECAUTIONS: When taking natural remedies or supplements always read and follow the information/instructions that come with the product. Some natural products/supplements can interact with prescribed medicines and can also interact with other natural products and supplements. If you are in any doubt about the suitability of your chosen product then consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using. Particularly if you have an outstanding health condition or allergy.