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A lot of women find that their hair becomes increasingly dry and brittle during perimenopause and menopause. Your hair can become more prone to dryness, split ends, breakage and looking flat and lifeless.

Not only do lower oestrogen levels affect the condition, texture and fullness of your hair, the rise in androgen levels at this time also have a negative effect. So not only do women become more likely to experience hair loss and thinning, their hair can lose lustre and condition too.  

For most women our hair is an important part of our self-image. It’s also something we normally have control over. We can choose the length, style and colour to suit our personal tastes. So if your hair develops a mind of its own, especially when it’s doing something you could do without, it’s not a lot of fun to say the least. In fact it can be upsetting.


The first thing is to remember to be kind to your hair. Don’t over wash and style your hair because this will dry it out and cause unnecessary damage. If you’re not going anywhere important give your hair a day off too.

Make sure you include lean protein (good for healthy hair growth) and omega-3 fatty acids (good for hair condition) in your diet.

Protect your hair from the elements, both hot and cold weather, by covering your head when you go out and about.

So protecting your hair from the inside as well as protecting it from the outside is a good combination for a healthy and attractive head of hair.


There are a lot of natural remedies, supplements and hair products that can help to restore your hair to its former glory. In fact there are so many it can be difficult to know where to start. I’ve put together my top 4 product recommendations that can be a great help to improve the look and texture of your hair.

I’ve used Pantene hair products for years and always found them effective. So when my hair started to be become dry and brittle I tried a different shampoo and conditioner from the range. Conditioning your hair is important for replacing the natural oils in your hair after you’ve washed it, but without making your hair greasy again. It’s a bit of a ‘catch 22’ situation. I love this conditioner. It leaves my hair feeling, soft and hydrated and I’ve noticed a reduction in split ends too. Using both the shampoo and conditioner together has the optimum effect and I definitely recommend using both.

This is another of my must have hair care treatments. It protects your hair from your styling gadgets, hair dryers, straighteners and curling tongs etc. It has a heat protection factor of up to 230c. As an added bonus it smells lovely and leaves your hair looking glossy. It usually comes in a pump spray which you can ‘lock’ if you’re taking it on holiday and don’t want it spraying by accident inside your luggage.

This is basically fish oil in a capsule form. Omega- 3 plays an important role in a lot of our body’s functions, but unfortunately our bodies don’t make their own supply. We have to get it from our diet or in supplement form. One of the benefits of Omega-3 is that it helps both healthy hair growth and also the condition of your hair. So taking a supplement means that you are helping your hair from the inside at hair production level.

e.g NUTRI ESSENTIALS BIOTIN RANGE, NATURE’S WONDER AND NATURE’S BOUNTY RANGE. There’s lots of different brands available so I’ve given you just a few examples that you might like to try. These supplements are a great help if it’s not only your hair that is suffering, but your skin and nails too. They’re a bit of an all rounder on the beauty front and usually come in capsule/tablet form.

My Recommendation

So my top tip for Dry Brittle Hair is PANTENE PRO-V DAILY MOISTURE RENEWAL CONDITIONER FOR DRY HAIR (also the shampoo). It works well for me, but remember we are all different. Give it a go or try one of my other recommendations. Don’t worry if you have to try a few different things to find what works best for you. After all, we’re all different and easing the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause can often be trial and error.  

PRECAUTIONS: When taking natural remedies or supplements always read and follow the information/instructions that come with the product. Some natural products/supplements can interact with prescribed medicines and can also interact with other natural products and supplements. If you are in any doubt about the suitability of your chosen product then consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using. Particularly if you have an outstanding health condition or allergy.